I have a dream!

I dream…of feeling comfortable in my own skin.

I dream…of being able to run around with and dance with and play with my children without tiring out so quickly.

I dream…of feeling more confident and energetic and healthy.

I dream…of knowing that I’m taking the best care of my body, giving the best of me to God, my husband and my children.

I dream…of that dream being a reality!


This Wednesday, October 1st, I’m issuing a challenge to everyone who wants to stop daydreaming and start doing. Let’s do something; let’s do it together.

I don’t know about y’all, but I need a whole LOT of accountability. I’m not great about sticking to things. I tend to fall of the bandwagon. A lot. And that’s what this is all about. Accountability for you, accountability for me.

We’re all in this together (insert High School Musical track here.)

So here’s what we do:

  • First, spread the word and tell your readers to tune in October 1st for your “Challenge Post.” They’ll know you’re doing this and help keep you accountable. Some of them may even want to join in and do it with you.
  • Second, on October 1st, post your beginning “Challenge Post.” (See tips for writing the challenge post below.)
  • Third, sign up with the Linky tool by leaving a comment on my challenge post that will go up early Wednesday morning so that we can visit each other and encourage each other.
  • Fourth, get to work! However you plan to accomplish your goals, do it. Whether you choose Weight Watchers or the South Beach Diet or whether you go to a gym or workout at home, make a plan and start working on it.
  • At the end of the month there will be another linky up to share a final post for the end of the challenge. There’s no competition here (that’s not really the point right?) Whether you need to lose a little or a lot, whether you DO lose a little or a lot, the main point is doing SOMETHING. Taking a stand and making the first step. Regardless. I want to lose weight, but I REALLY want to make changes that stick, because if they don’t stick, I not only won’t lose the weight but I won’t be any healthier either.
  • Also, if you don’t have a blog, you can still join in! Participate in the conversation and keep us posted on your progress through the comments, no problem.

Easy as pie, right?

Not sure what to put in your challenge post? Consider these suggestions:

  • Share your motivations, your goals, changes you need to make, exercise plans, whatever you have in mind.
  • You don’t have to include actual WEIGHT if you don’t want to, you can just leave it at how many pounds you need to lose overall, or how many you want to lose in October. What is important is that you have a GOAL.
  • Pictures are optional. I haven’t decided about posting them for myself. Just.. make sure they’re, ya know, decent. 😉
  • When it comes to blogging, being general and vague is often a good thing. When it comes to losing weight – notsomuch. At least for yourself, make specific goals, specific habits to add or change, specific exercise guidelines, etc. – even if you never actually share them on your blog.

Okay, any questions? Did I leave anything out? Feel free to use the graphic at the top of the page – I made it just for you. 😉

Let’s get busy, y’all!!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!