Yes, it took me 5 Whole Seconds to come up with that lovely example of grammatical perfection you’ll find in that there title. =p

A few days ago (5 to be exact,) we thought we might actually get a little helping of rain as a storm moved through our area of Texas. Inspired by Robin’s impromptu dance in the rain, and then Michelle’s example that followed, I asked the girls if they wanted to dance in the rain when it got here.

“Dance in the rain??”

“Sure, why not?”

(I think they thought I must’ve flipped my lid: OUR mom wants us to get wet and dirty?!)

We sat on our porch and watched as the black clouds moved closer and closer.

And then farther and farther.

No rain.

My 8 year old sat in a chair and crossed her arms and declared: she wanted to dance in the rain, not play in the trampoline, not swing on the swings. “I want the rain.”

Since I’m not up on my rain-dancing skills and as of yet been unable to make the sky rain on command, (I am after all only Mom, not God) my hands were tied on the matter. But it did give me an idea:

When ya don’t got rain, make some!!

DIY Sprinker Misting Hose

What you see there is the product of one old garden hose, one large rubber band, one thumb tack, 3 small hot children and one Texas summer evening.

More than all the fun they had combined, it made me really glad that I put everything down and took the time to do it and have some fun with them.

{P.S. I think the “rain hose” was better than a sprinkler, better coverage, less wasted water, cool and refreshing!}

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!