3:30 a.m. I should be sleeping. But I’m not. Adrenaline does that. It’s funny that way.

It’s tornado season in Texas. And we’d been under a warning all day long. Many other counties nearby had been hit, but our little county had been spared. Until about 2:45 a.m…

I awake to a slight noise. It’s my sweet little boy calling for me. I make it as far as the living room and pause, realizing that I don’t hear him anymore. Do I dare tread any farther? He may have gone back to sleep. No, wait, that’s him again. He just needs to be tucked back in bed. Well, I’m fully awake now, I’ll stand here and rock him a few minutes first.

Goodnight sweetheart, I love you.

Tiptoeing back through the living room and passing the kitchen….did I lock the back door? Jiggle. Locked.

Now what’s that? The cat must’ve heard me jiggle the door. It wants in.

Come here kitty. Here kitty. Get. In. The. House. Kitty. It sits and meows and stares at me. The other one walks up and plops down in the middle of the porch and does the same. What’s up with you strange kitties tonight?

And then a wall of wind hits me. I raise my eyes to the horizon. Lighting. Lots of it. Lots of wind, and a low rumble, too.

Wait – weird kitties, wind, rumbles… are we still under a tornado warning?

And then the power goes out. And then another wall of wind hits the house as thunder rips through the air.

And it’s, Pitch. Black.

Oh geez, oh geez, oh geez, oh geez.

Flashlight? No, candles, yes! Lighter, good. Candle. I can see. I can see. I’m okay. I’m okay…

But not with all the wind and rain and lightening and thunder. I should check… oh but the power’s out, can’t turn on the tv. The laptop is charged… but the modem needs power.

So how the heck am I supposed to check the weather?!?

Okay, I’m officially VERY worried.

This is not the time to wish I had a portable radio with batteries like I’m supposed to. Besides- which flippin station would I turn to? Who the heck is paying attention to my tiny little town at three o’clock in the morning?


Window. Nose to glass: God protect my home and my family and keep us safe. God protect my home and my family and keep us safe. God give me wisdom to know if I need to hide in the closet with the kids. God protect my home and my family and keep us safe…

Standing guard for my family at 3 a.m.

For 15 minutes. Praying and watching.

Watching the storm unfold, relaxing as it begins to pass, I’m finally able to sit on the edge of the bed and watch the rest of it while hubby sleeps peacefully through the whole thing.


Thankfully the kids did, too. Never made a peep. Praise God.

Obsess much? Not me.

Except about my kids.

And tornadoes.

(Written at 3:30 in the morning while I waited to get sleepy again.)


Our power was not restored until 11 a.m.

I learn that my neighbor took shelter when their weather radio started going off about a tornado on the ground.

I learn that a community farther down our county road has damage, presumably from a tornado.

I go to town and SEE that there is a considerable amount of damage not TWO MINUTES FROM MY HOUSE.

You see? A momma knows. Those gut feelings we get aren’t for naught.

There have been various other reports of damage all over town. So far, everyone I have talked to is safe, and I have not heard any reports of injuries.


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!