Rewind two weeks and pretend it’s the end of 2007 and that 2008 is just around the corner. Now grab a glass of bubbly (white grape juice) and help me count down the New Year.


2007 brought a lot of change for me. God taught me a lot of about myself, a lot about Him. A year ago I dubbed 2007 “The Year of Clean.” After de-cluttering and reorganizing the kids rooms at the end of 2006 (has it really been that long??) I worked vigorously over the span of the entire year (did it seriously take that much time?) to de-clutter and reorganize our master bedroom and bathroom, our kitchen, our hall closet, our movie shelf, and our living room bookcase, our wardrobes, the kids’ rooms again, as well as working on new habits and daily routines to keep it under control. Of course the whole time I have been working on this, God has been leading me through many personal changes as well. While revamping my home, I’ve been revamping my attitude and my heart as well.

Which leads us to 2008. A year for self-discipline. As for my home, I’ve now de-cluttered down to a manageable amount to keep my home clean on a regular basis. I’ve got the knowledge, I’ve got the tools, I’ve got perspective… now I just gotta do it. (Think Nike!) The same motto applies to my attitude and heart changes as well – I know what to do. So just do it.

Looking forward to the new year ahead, I see many things to really focus on and strive for. Well, there are several things I can see right now. Who knows what else God will bring along the way? (I mean, except for God himself of course.)

So, I’ve got a list. I thought about sharing it, but why bore with the details? The point isn’t in the details. The point is to look at the next year as an opportunity to grow and change, to grow closer to God, your family, to train your children and love them, to be a better spouse, parent, friend, neighbor,… whatever. Wherever God has you. For me, the change of the year is a reminder that “the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Cor. 5:17) It’s a reminder that God is slowly erasing the old me and replacing it with the new me. I am a new creation in Christ. And every change that comes with the new year is Christ working in me. Not myself,…but Christ in me.

Have a very blessed 2008.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!