Last December, we tackled and re-organized our school/play room for one of Laura’s 30-day challenges. If you recall, I confessed at the time that I struggle greatly against my messy tendencies. I’ve never denied that. Over the last almost-a-year, we’ve slowly nibbled away at our messy elephant. Alas, sometimes we go on a binge and sometimes we go on a fast from our new habits, right?

So our tackle for today was tackling the school room so we can properly start school next week. Since the re-org, we had to move the baby’s crib back in there which interfered with doing school at the desks since it proved best to do school while the baby napped. In the meantime, the room has steadily fallen behind. It’s been non-stop messy like this for a while – I don’t know, two months? But hey, it took six months to get that bad and stay that bad! 😉 And it only took one afternoon to clean up instead of two weeks or whatever it was last time. 🙂 My plan now that Little Prince is older is to try to do school while he is awake and occupied with crayons or playdoh or whatever else I can distract, uh I mean, teach, him with.

The biggest part of the mess was reading books and coloring books and workbooks and flashcards and puzzle pieces, etc. that the kids had pulled off the shelves and pitched on the floor. Today we stacked them all in a couple of laundry baskets and a couple of boxes. Next we’ll sort them and put them away. But first we’ll purge. Because, truthfully, isn’t that the main problem? When we did the challenge last December, we did some purging, but there was so much stuff to go through that we really only purged what was broken or incomplete. Then there was Christmas. Then there were birthdays. You get the picture.

And yeah, don’t get me wrong, books are great and all, but I think I can share a few with someone less…blessed with books…don’t you think? 🙂

Enjoy my time-elapse slideshow and good luck to anybody else nibbling away at “messy” elephants. 🙂

[slideshow id=72057594048949289&w=426&h=320]

Tackle It Tuesday is hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom – stop by for a visit!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!