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faith-based eclectic curriculum

My brain is mush!! I can’t believe that it’s time for curriculum and new school years and all that.

I. Can’t. Even.

But, hey! There’s a teeny giveaway at the bottom of this post, so at least there’s that.

As proof of my current brain-mush-state, I offer the evidence that I completely, totally, overlooked, missed, and forgot about my annual Back to (Home) School series in July.

Brain. Mush.

So I’m just going to attempt to get the curriculum list out of my head and written down here so I can come back and refer to it later. Okey-dokey? And also, I’ll be linking this curriculum list up with the annual Not Back to School Blog Hop with iHomeschool Network.


2nd/3rd Grade Curriculum

My son is just about ready for third grade math but he isn’t quite there with the reading. But he has come so far in reading over the past year! I am so proud of him.

Math: Life of Fred, starting with Life of Fred: Edgewood
Language Arts:ย Mcguffey’s Eclectic Second Reader, A Beka Letters & Sounds 2, A Beka Language 2
Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears Printing Power, Cursive Handwriting By Handwriting Without Tears
Bible/History/Science: With the group, see below.


5th/6th Grade Curriculum

My middle child is also a little better at math than she is at language arts. She will begin the “Before High School” math series from Life of Fred, but we’ll spend some extra focus time on Grammar, Writing, and Handwriting.

Math: Life of Fred Fractions and Decimals and Percents
Language Arts: Spelling & Writing, Grade 5 , Daily Word Ladders: Grades 4-6
Handwriting:ย Handwriting Without Tears Cursive Successย 
Civics:ย Finishย A Beka, History of Our United States
ible/History/Science/Spanish: With the group, see below.


High School Curriculum

My oldest needs to finish her General Science and pre-algebra before I can really consider her “high school,” but she will wrap those up and then move on to Physical Science and the High School Math series from Life of Fred. High School! Eep!!

Math: Finish Life of Fred Elementary Physics, Pre-Algebra 1 and 2 and then Begin on High School Set
Language Arts: Fortuigence Writing Courses and LifePac English 1ย (CHECK OUT MY REVIEW OF FORTUIGENCE HERE!)
Science: Finish Apologia General Science, then Exploring Creation with Physical Science andย Student Notebook
Geography: North Star Geography
Electives: Calligraphy, Piano, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (Apologetics) & Workbook
Bible/History/Spanish: With the group, see below.


Faith-Based Eclectic Group Curriculum

Our faith-based eclectic curriculum for the whole group:

What on Earth Can I Do? — Biblical Worldview of Stewardship (What We Believe, Volume 4)
Apologia Zoology 2
Mystery of History 3
Homeschool Legacy Unit Studies for American History and Literature
Spanish Now!

For The Mom

Oh my! That’s an awful lot, isn’t it?! For me, I’m still trying out the digital/printable Homeschool Teacher planner from Great Peace Academy. I think it might work for us! Last year I didn’t use a planner AT ALL, so we’ll see how well I stick with it. ; )

I have a good number of books here already that I need to finish reading, including The Ministry Of Motherhood. But I also have a handful of books I would like to try to read over the next year (even though I’m really bad about starting books and not finishing them!)

Shameless Plug

Big Book of Ideas Final Cover 3DThe Big Book of Homeschool Ideas — It’s a huge collection of tips, advice, how-to’s and experience from 55 homeschool bloggers. 103 different topics. Everything from how to get started with pre-school to homeschooling high school to preparing for college. I’ve written and contributed two chapters myself: Balancing Homeschool and Homemaking, Balancing Homeschooling and Blogging. $10.99


RelaxedArtCover1The Relaxed Art of Eclectic Homeschooling —ย A healthy dose of encouragement and practical tips for planning, scheduling, choosing curriculum, teaching multiple ages, finding balance, and so much more. Most of all, you will find the push to dig through all of the homeschool options and develop your own unique style. $3.99


In the spirit of the new school year (and for moms who might be a little frazzled like me,) I want to give five copies of my ebook, The Relaxed Art of Eclectic Homeschooling, to five random commenters. No hoops, no follows, no pins or tweets. Just leave a comment below telling me something that you are looking forward to in the new year and you’ll be entered.ย It’s not much, but it’s what I’ve got, and I hope that it blesses you in a small way.ย 

Edited to add: I will choose winners from the comments using the “And the Winner Is” plugin first thing Monday, August 25th.

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Hey, yโ€™all! Iโ€™m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and Iโ€™m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and sheโ€™s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!