I bet you thought I fell off the face of the Earth or something. I sort of disappeared around here, didn’t I? I’ve been busy doing a lot of things around the house, with the family, for the holidays, and so on.

I’ve also found it terribly difficult to write lately. (Cognitively, I’ve been very fuzzy and muddled and writing has been a difficult task.) I’ve also been re-evaluating what I want to write about and what I want to do with this blog. Where do I want to go in 2014?

But even if I had been able to put the words together, I have been too busy to sit down and get them into the computer!

Christmas Collage One

Over the past few weeks I have:

  • Finished (FINALLY) painting the trim and remaining cabinets in my kitchen.
  • Decorated the house for Christmas.
  • Built a DIY entertainment center.
  • Painted two paintings.
  • Made one of those DIY wreaths out of ball ornaments.
  • We were “iced in” for a weekend with some freak winter weather, played in the snow/ice, watched lots of movies, and had lots of fires in the fireplace.
  • Led a seasonal book study for the ladies of our church (with the book, “The Women of Christmas” by Liz Curtis Higgs.)
  • Helped both girls clean and reclaim the space in their bedrooms–and helped the son with his but we need to finish. (No easy task, all three of them!)
  • Participated in the town Christmas parade with my church, and attended our church’s Christmas party
  • Hosted Christmas at our house, and had family stay with us for a few days.
  • Cooked and baked a lot (one of my least favorite tasks!)
  • Cleaned — A LOT (another NOT SO FAVORITE thing of mine..)
  • Helped with our church’s Christmas Eve candle service.
  • Had one of my husband’s friends stay the weekend with us, and sang/recorded “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” with him and my husband.
  • Went on a “field trip” to a nearby drive through safari with my great uncle.
  • And of course, all the other, daily, routine, home running, kid raising, puppy training that goes on in a day…

Christmas Collage Two

I’m sure I missed something. As you can see, we have been busy with many good things in the past few weeks! 

I have some “recovering” to do around the house (read that as “conquer Mount St. Laundry, etc,”) and we still have some good busy things coming up on our calendar, but I’m going to be finding time to start writing again. Writing is a good outlet for me. I enjoy it.

I hope you all had a good holiday season; we sure did!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!