12 Days of EasterI had intended that I’d write every day (or almost) of the 12 Days of Easter this year. I got off to a really great start, writing ahead of time and planning and scheduling. But then life happened, which it often does, and that’s okay.

The kids and I had a really busy holiday week last week. We held a Tenebrae service at our church on Thursday evening. Good Friday was spent at Rock the Flags (a Christian band concert at Six Flags Arlington) with the youth group. And we had a really great Easter Sunday. Rising with the sun, we sat by the window and read the rest of our Resurrection egg devotionals that we’d gotten behind on. We read another Easter story, and we began our day. Church was good and our fellowship lunch afterward was nice. We got to spend the afternoon with inlaws and just hang out for a little while. It was a good day.

Before we move on from this Easter holiday completely, I wanted to share with you a few more things I’d intended to blog about, ideas for focusing on the Easter holiday next year.

  • There are a large number of craft projects and printables on the internet that you can find with a quick google search.
  • Study, research, and talk about Passover. Consider having your own Passover meal. (Here’s an easy guide.)
  • Plant some potted perennials such as daffodils and tulips and plant them in a flower bed outside. It’s too late in the year to plant the bulbs, but in theory, these perennials *should* come back next year. Use this opportunity to talk about Jesus’ promise to return someday.
  • Get involved with planning a Maundy Thursday or Good Friday service at your church.
  • Read the passion week account in each of the gospels and compare them.
  • Bake something – make Resurrection Cookies or Rolls.
  • Dye eggs!! What I love about dying eggs – the boiling process changes the inside, but we can’t tell a difference by looking at a boiled egg and a raw egg which is which. Dying them changes them on the outside for all to see! Excellent visual for our Christian life and letting our light shine.
  • Tint white carnations with red and black food coloring. Several days before Easter, add red food coloring to the water of some freshly cut white carnations. After a day or so you’ll see the red (blood/sacrifice) creeping into the white (sinless) petals. After you begin to see the red, add black food coloring (sin)  to the water. Sinless Jesus, through his blood sacrifice, took on our sin, and paid that price for us. The flowers will not be pretty. Sin isn’t.

These are some of the things I would have shared if I’d had the time. One thing I’ve learned this week is that sometimes you just can’t get everything done. Sometimes you don’t have to. Never should you try to get it done anyway at the expense of your family. =)

I hope you all had a blessed week and Sunday! He is risen, He is risen indeed!!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!