Loving Your Husband: Creating A Welcoming Home Environment

{A Scentsy Review & Giveaway}

If your husband is like mine, he doesn’t notice if the house smells like vanilla or cinnamon or a fresh ocean breeze. But if your husband is like mine, he DOES notice if the house smells musty, stale or faintly like “eau de garbage can.” Am I right?

A house that smells good is not something my husband *thinks* he cares very much about, and I do get teased a little now and then for fussing over my Scentsy warmer and swapping out the waxes. But whether he realizes it or not, since he really doesn’t care very much for a stinky house, by default he does appreciate my Scentsy warmer after all! (Or at least I like to think so, right?)

The Whoot Warmer
The Whoot Warmer

Creating a Welcoming Home Environment

I’m sure many of you have the practice of tidying up the house shortly before your husband comes home to welcome him home from his long day at work. (If not, you should! I’m just sayin’.) Tidying up is a good start but it’s only one of the five basic senses. And if the house looks clean but smells “off” when hubby walks in the door, I guarantee that will be what he notices first! Three simple steps can help keep your house from smelling unpleasant.

1.) Take out the garbage regularly, before it begins to smell. I realize you may have certain trash pick up days! One thing you can do to help is double bagging the trash bag(s) that will have to wait the longest (the ones that get sacked up the day after trash day.) Sack it up, tie it well, then slip another bag over the top and flip the whole thing over and tie well again. This traps the opening on the inside bag down inside the second bag and helps keep smells from escaping.

2.) Air out the house on decent weather days. Depending on where you live, you may not be able to do this much during the middle of the summer or the middle of the winter, but if you get a freak cool morning or warm afternoon and can manage to open the windows for even 20 minutes, the fresh air will do wonders for a stale house!

3.) Throughout the day, or for a little while before Hubby gets home, add some fragrance! There are a lot of ways to do this. Personally, I am not a fan of fragrance air sprays. Ick! I do love candles. And I have boiled spices and fruits on the stove. But my favorite, by far, is my Scentsy warmer – which I’ve had for about 4 or 5 years now.

The Ashbury Warmer
The Ashbury Warmer

Why is Scentsy my favorite?

  • It’s wickless, it doesn’t add soot and who-knows-what into my home
  • The wax melts, instead of burning, so it doesn’t add wax into my home either
  • The wax is food grade which means it’s been cleared of impurities, so those aren’t releasing into my air, either.
  • The wax lasts soooo long. I switch it out when I’ve become accustomed to the smell, but I can reuse it again and again for hours and hours. There are 8 wax cubes in each bar.
  • Allergy friendly – They use essential oils (and yes, absolutes and synthetic fragrances) – but I’ve learned (as a fragrance sensitive person) that their “food” and “natural” smelling scents that you can find in nature don’t bother my allergies. By avoiding scents that are likely to contain synthetic fragrances I avoid allergy problems! Read more about their oils here.
  • No harmful phthalates (or VOCs – read more about that here.)
  • Low temperature – the wax melts at a low temperature so that if you spill hot wax you (or the kids) won’t get burned
  • I can turn it on for a few hours without much thought – unlike a candle or a stove, which I need to keep more of an eye on
  • Uses less electricity than a stovetop (or no gas for a gas stove, which is expensive right now!)
  • The warmers come in all shapes, sizes and color and are solid, well made and not easily* broken. It’s been able to stand up several years of life with a little boy in the house.

See that asterisk up there? Yeah. The warmers are not *easily* breakable. But they do break. Especially if you catch the cord with the leg of a cabinet after adding feet to the bottom and then turning it back over. You might catch the cord hard enough to pull it off the kitchen counter and send it crashing to the floor–and well, Scentsy warmers don’t handle that well. Go ahead, ask me how I know! Needless to say, I’ll be hosting a Scentsy party soon to earn a new one! I already miss it..

The Lisbon Warmer
The Lisbon Warmer

Which Scents Are My Favorite?

Right now I have Autumn Sunset, Christmas Cottage, Sunkissed Citrus and Perfectly Pomegranate in my stash. I love the first two, and for the past week I’ve been trying out a new one – Perfectly Pomegranate. It’s niiiice. It’s sweet but not too sweet, fruity enough you almost want to lick it (I wouldn’t recommend that) and not “girly” at all. It’s just a yummy, relaxing, cheerful smell. My daughter declared it smells like popsicles.

I pretty much love all the food smells: apple, vanilla, coffee. (Of course, coffee, right??) Not only do I prefer these over heavily floral scents, and not only do these seem to be “safe” for me allergy-response-wise, but I think it makes the home feel homier. If you walk in the door and it smells like something is baking, how is that not welcoming?!

Your Husband Would Love Your Scentsy Warmer, Too
(Even if he doesn’t realize it, either!)

Creating a welcoming home environment speaks to my husband’s love language. His love language is acts of service and when he sees me putting time in on things around the house that he cares about, it makes him feel loved. I like it when he feels loved. =)

If your husband is like mine, he may not realize how much peace that little Scentsy warmer keeps in our marriage. 😉 That, and taking out the trash, and keeping the house picked up, of course. And whether he thinks he cares or not, it’s a really nice way to welcome your husband home from his day at work, with a tidy place and an inviting smell.

Palette Warmer
Palette Warmer

My friend and Scentsy consultant, Hollie, has graciously provided one Scentsy Warmer and a 3 pack of Scentsy bars, to bless one mom and her lucky husband. One winner will receive the Palette Warmer (pictured above), and one bar each of Black Raspberry Vanilla, Perfectly Pomegranate, and Skinny Dippin’. To win, enter in the Rafflecopter App below. Blog comment is the only entry required for the giveaway, everything else is bonus! (U.S. Residents only.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(The giveaway will go live shortly before the Mommy Time Party begins – tonight! Facebook! It begins at 8pm Eastern on Blessed Beyond a Doubt – see you there! Come back here later to enter!)

You can find Hollie on her site, Facebook and Twitter. If you don’t win, and live local to the Granbury/DFW area of Texas, you can earn free Scentsy products by hosting a party. Even if you don’t live local, you can do an online party by asking Hollie!

**A special thanks to Hollie for providing a sample of the Perfectly Pomegranate bar for me to review. Also, for sending me pictures of her Scentsy warmers in use – since I broke mine right before the review! Thanks, Hollie!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!