I have an exciting announcement this week!! Come check it out..

It’s time to check in again and share how those healthy habits are going! For me, these healthy habits aren’t just about losing weight but an all around health for me and my family. That means my healthy habits include everything from losing weight to spending family time together and everything in between!

Oh and that exciting announcement? You can now join in the Healthy Habits every week by linking up at the bottom of my post, too!

So back to my habits. Let’s take a look at what I’ve been working on so far…

1.) Go to bed and get up on time. – Going REALLY well! Aside from a few random days, I’m getting up at 6:30 am and going to bed around 11!

2.) Start my day with time with the Lord. – Also going REALLY well. Some days my husband comes out to the living room to sit by me and read his bible (instead of reading separately.) I LOVE THAT.

3.) Use my food diary with MyFitnessPal.com with my iPod app. If you want to join me, my username is “mrsamberoliver.” Come find me!) – It’s “aight”… I still forget to use it as regularly as I’d like but I’m working on it.

4.) Drink enough water. – I’ve been drinking lots of water! Not too much, I still need to increase it a teensy bit more. This hasn’t been hard to do because I have been SO. THIRSTY. SO. MUCH!

5.) Weigh and measure myself at the beginning of the week. The goal is to keep an eye on it, not to obsess over it. I did weigh myself – I did not measure, I need to.  My starting weight this time is 190. (SIGGGGHHHHH.)

6.) Make healthy eating choices. Ummmmm… pass? Okay, I had good days and I had REALLY BAD DAYS.

7.) Be diligent with the kids’ bed routine, story time, prayer time, in bed on time, so that they get enough sleep to be healthy, too! About 50/50 on this week, it’s a hard habit to get straight again when we’re in the habit of letting them stay up too late. We’re working on it and we had a good start.

8.) Go to bed with a tidy house. Did well on this most days. Except last night. Let’s not count last night.

New this week:

9.) Add exercise time to the morning. I’m starting with a site called Do Yoga With Me to ease back into exercising and work more on developing the habit than worrying about getting a hard workout in.

YEP!! That’s all I’m adding in this week!! Since I still need to work on several of last week’s new ones and since adding in exercise will be hard enough as it is, I’m just adding that one this week.

For some accountability, I’ ve teamed up with Dollie’s Health Habits weekly link on her blog, Teachers of Good Things.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!