The Gift of Love by See the Light Shine

We like to draw, doodle, and paint here at our house. We also like to use materials that are biblically based. And we like to incorporate holiday studies and crafts into our school day. So as we’re heading into Advent season and looking for ways to dwell upon The Reason for the season even during the school day, “The Gift of Love” by See the Light Shine certainly seems to fit the bill, doesn’t it? They let me have a copy to test it out and see for myself. And our verdict? Well,.. let’s see!

See the Light Shine

See the Light Shine is a Christian Homeschool Art Curriculum Company, and their Bible series combines art lessons with Bible stories – which is our favorite way to do things around here. Their neon colored pencils and blacklight adds an additional element of fun. (Science-minded Little Prince is particularly taken with the blacklight!) In addition to their Bible series, they also have an art curriculum, a doodling DVD, and other art projects DVDs.

The Bible Series

“The Gift of Love” is a part of the Bible series of art lessons, which tells the story of Christmas and includes 3 separate lessons. Each DVD is set up in similar fashion – watch a retelling of the story, follow along with 3 different lessons, and several extra features. As soon as we got ours, Princess opened it up and followed along with the second lesson – drawing a nativity scene. When she was done, we all pulled out the blacklight to admire her finished artwork!

Celebrating Advent

It’s true that we haven’t been doing as much school as usual, but even when we’re on a break I don’t like to stop doing EVERYTHING. We like to keep going with special projects, artistic pursuits, and other holiday celebrations. We decided to start celebrating Advent a little early and one of the things we wanted to do was make some decorations for our bulletin board. We decided to use the first art lesson, Artistic Lettering, to make Advent art for our board. Even Little Prince got involved. His picture was a little more unique, and when Drama Queen asked “WHAT is he DOING…?” he replied, “Well, it’s ART! You can do whatever you want.” Yes, yes you can! The third lesson on the DVD, a chalk portrait of Mary, is still waiting to be tried and Princess is just ITCHING to do it. We’ll be getting to that one a little later in our Advent journey.

Check out our Advent decorations:

Little Prince, Age 7
Drama Queen, Age 9
Princess, Age 12
My own.

So what did the kids think?

The kids really enjoy these art lessons–they are easy to follow, at a good pace, fun, and interesting. Even Little Prince is interested, and that’s saying a lot! I’m pretty sure the blacklight helps. 😉 Drama Queen struggles with perfectionism but she ends up enjoying herself anyway. And Princess loves to draw so she’s thrilled. For me, the biggest benefit is that I can mesh it so easily with the way we already do school and holidays.

A giveaway

See the Light Shine is giving away a copy of The Gift of Love for the Mommy Time party. Not only that but they are also giving away a copy of their Moses story, “God’s Special Surprise!” That giveaway will go live on this post on December 4th. Until then you can find See the Light Shine on Facebook and their website.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Just to clarify, the giveaway includes the dvd but not the Extreme Color Pencils or the Blacklight, both of which are available on the See the Light Shine website.

One more time..

Just because the black light is cool.. check out the details in Princess’ creative lettering project. This was so much fun and the blacklight never gets old.

**A special thanks to Pat for providing me with a copy to review and a copy to giveaway. Although I was compensated for my time and for promotion connected with the Mommy Time Party, I eagerly reviewed this product because it met a need and matched the learning and teaching style in our home. I was not required to write a positive review, but we have enjoyed this very much and this review reflects our experiences and opinions. My commitment to my readers, as always, is to provide honest, quality reviews. For more information on my own personal review standards and guidelines, read my page About Reviews.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!