Updated 09-18-12: The first two reviews are up and hyperlinked in the schedule below.

School is Where the Home Is Anita Mellott“When we’re focusing on what God has given us and how to use it for God’s glory, we’re not focusing on what we don’t have that we think we need.” ~~ As I said these words to my children, I realized just how much I need to practice this myself.

I also immediately thought of the devotional book I’ve been reading by Anita Mellott, and her trials that she is going through in her life right now. So much of what I’ve read from her has been about focusing on what God has given us (our children, our responsibility as parents, our talents, our obedience to His word) and using it for God’s glory.

Anita Mellot, author of School is Where the Home Is, has ankylosing spondylitis — a long term, painful disease for which there is no cure. I can’t imagine how much harder that would make my job as a homeschooling mother! Unfortunately for Anita, it doesn’t seem to be getting any better with treatment, either. Her pain, however, has not completely kept her from continuing to use her beautiful writing to glorify God.

I want to take a minute to share with you, through short quotes, a little bit about Anita and her faith. If you click over to read the blog posts, her posts are always short but straight to the heart (much like her devotional.)

“My teen’s voice reading Mary’s words pierced my fog of fear and self-pity: “Be it unto me according to Thy word, O Lord.” I clenched my fists. “Be it unto me according to Thy word, O Lord?” How could Mary utter those words? … When we bowed in prayer, I cried out in my heart, “Lord, help me. I want Mary’s words to be mine. I want so much to be able to say, ‘Be it unto me according to Thy word, O Lord.’”  ~ A Prayer for Christmas … And Always

“Each day, regardless of what it brings, is a gift from God…an appreciation that may have been obscured by the hurry of daily living, had I not begun walking this path I wouldn’t have chosen.” ~ Walking The Path That Wasn’t My Choice

“Where is God in the midst of my pain? Right here, reaching out through the love and support of those who care. Right here, allowing a cancellation in the rheumatologist’s schedule so I could have an appointment in a few days rather than a few months. I only had to open my eyes to His mercy.” ~ Where Is God in the Midst of Pain

Throughout the next week, there will be a series of reviews and giveaways by a handful of bloggers who’ve drawn together to help promote and spread the word for Anita’s book (her book is one way that God is continuing to provide for them in the midst of these trials.)

The reviews/giveaways for next week will be here–I’ll add links when they go live:

  • Sept 17:  Jennifer- Jennifer A Janes
  • Sept 17:  Jenn – Mama Jenn Blogs
  • Sept 18:  Lisa – Chaos Appreciation
  • Sept 18: Meg- Homeschoolin’ Mama
  • Sept 19: Laurie – Our Abundant Blessings
  • Sept 19:  Amber – Classic Housewife
  • Sept 20:  Kris – Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers
  • Sept 20:  Susann – Momma Hopper

How can you help? If you read these blogs and when you see these reviews go live, won’t you take a minute to share the links? If you feel inclined to buy a copy of her book, the proceeds will go to her which will help with her medical bills. Also, I’m sure that Anita would appreciate your prayers, if you would take a minute to pray for her peace of mind, for her endurance to run the race, and for her family members as well. Thank you, my dear blog friends.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!