One of the common struggles for homeschooling moms is keeping up with housework while getting school done, spending time with the family, and doing everything else in between. This is certainly no exception at our house! As we head into the new school year (with more advanced work for Princess) and as I invest more time on my blog, the more I need something to help me stay on top of things. Enter: The Motivated Moms Planner. I need to work smarter, not harder.

What is Motivated Moms?

Have you heard of the printable Motivated Moms Planner? I’ve been using the new Motivated Moms app on our iPod Touch and checking off the little boxes each day. (Have I ever mentioned how much I like lists and checkboxes? I kinda have a thing for checklists.) Little by little I’m pulling my house back together as I develop a habit of checking my to do list for the day.

Motivated Moms Screenshot

How does Motivated Moms work?

If you’re not familiar with Motivated Moms, it’s a planner (or an app) with a list of regular daily tasks, a handful of extra tasks that it cycles through (dusting and changing air filters, etc.), and an optional daily bible reading plan. You can have the kids pitch in to get everything done for the day. By tackling the daily repetitive stuff and a few “extra” things every day you’ll develop an ongoing system for keeping your house tidied and maintained while still being able to do all your other stuff. It’s like I’m always telling the kids: “If you do a little bit each day, it’ll be easier and stay cleaner!”

What’s in the printable Motivated Moms Planner?

The downloadable printable is available in several different versions: full page, half page and with or without bible readings. Each page represents a week with daily checkboxes for each daily task and extra tasks listed by day. A two week meal planner page also comes with the download. You can download samples at the Motivated Moms website.

Motivated Moms in iTunes

What’s in the app?

The app version displays today’s tasks with the option to see the daily stuff only, today’s special tasks, or everything together. You have the option of editing the name of a daily task (changing “vacuum bedrooms” to “sweep bedrooms” if they’re not carpeted) or removing a task altogether (removing “feed pets” if you don’t have any.) You can also add tasks and indicate whether or not to repeat them and how often. Additionally you can add family members and assign various tasks to specific people. I love that because having the kids pitch in and help with chores is important to me. When you open it up, the app goes straight into today’s tasks and shows you what needs to be done, but you do have the option of viewing another date if you wish.

Screenshot of the screenshots. ; )

My favorite things about the Motivated Moms App:

I’m using the app because as much as I love pen and paper, I thought I might stick with it better by using the app. After trying the app out I’m glad I did, I love the flexibility of it. Other things I like about it:

  • It includes other things besides “chores,” such as preparing tomorrow’s clothes, planning for dinner, etc. These are just as important for keeping a well functioning home!
  • I can add things and give them repeat dates. I’ve added tasks for doing our co-op produce paperwork, giving the kids baths and other things I need to remember to do.
  • I can remove tasks that don’t apply to me. We don’t have an air conditioner filter to change monthly, we have little filters on the window units that need to be cleaned weekly so I deleted the one and added the other.
  • I can assign tasks to the kids to get them involved and get things done faster – more working together means more time together later!
  • It’s simple and not complicated to set up. I get frustrated and don’t use something if it’s too complicated. I like simple.
  • I *need* the rotating additional tasks, the things I never seem to get to on top of the daily stuff. Sometimes I have trouble prioritizing, but I don’t have to think–I only have to follow my list!

I’m excited to see what kind of difference this approach makes in my household after a whole month of using it, especially after school starts back up again. ANYTHING that helps me stay on top of housework better while school is in session is going to get my hubby’s seal of approval for sure! For me, I’m enjoying it so far and I’m definitely pleased with my Motivates Moms app.

Have you used Motivated Moms before? Have you tried their new app?

I’m going to be giving away two copies of Motivated Moms (your choice of app or planner) for the Mommy Time Facebook Party next week. Check back soon for your chance to enter. In the meantime, check out Motivated Moms online!

{I received a free copy of the Motivated Moms planner and application to review, but all opinions are my own.}

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Hey, yโ€™all! Iโ€™m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and Iโ€™m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and sheโ€™s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!