Updated 8/12/12:  The Not Back to School Blog Hop is going on over at iHomeschool Network. I’m joining in and linking this up. Check it out!

Our Homeschool Area

I’d love to have a devoted school room again, or at least a whole half a room–like shared with a home office or something–but we still have our little school corner here in the living room again this year. (Yes we did share Big Daddy’s home office once in the past, and it worked well, but we were overtaking it! And now it’s half office and half music studio anyway..)

Not much has changed with our school space since last year, the setup that we have now works well for us.

We sit wherever we want, but one wall of the living room is lined with our school stuff, copier/printer, and a small computer and desk.

School stuff, printer/copier, and the desk is off to the right.

And the wall above the school space is also dedicated to school, with our bulletin board, dry erase board, and the current year’s school pictures.

I need to take new pictures for the upcoming school year!
The workcharts hang under the bulletin board, one of them fell and broke. =( One more thing I need to do before the new year!

Our large bulletin board hangs directly above the bookshelves where we can all see it.

Displayed here, our 7 reasons to homeschool. Also, a verse runs along the top of the bulletin board which reads, “Let the wise listen, and add to their learning. Proverbs 1:5”
The monthly calendar, the Ten Commandments, the word of the week, and the verse of the week.

On top of the pink crates that hold our books, we have our experiment box, a box of miscellaneous items, and my teacher box. (The while box has what we call “word pockets,” something I made when teaching Drama Queen to learn to read.)

Odds and ends, disks, flash cards, rulers, calculators, workchart tags, etc.

My teacher box holds many things. In the back compartment: page protectors, laminating sheets, envelopes. On the left: notebook paper. On the right: homeschool magazines and catalogs. In the front: a folder of printed, generic notebooking sheets from Notebooking Pages.

My “teacher box,” as I call it, helps me stay organized.


I’m sorry these pictures are so crummy! I’m hoping that yours are better!!


Tell me where you get your school work done, and how do you store your gobs and gobs of school stuff?

(Reminder: It’s okay to link up posts you’ve already written for your own blog or someone else’s back to school carnival as long as it’s on topic. Thanks!) All the linkies are open through the end of August. To find all the posts in this series, click here.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!