The very, very busy week with VBS, too.

In my life this week…

Oh, what a busy week! The kids had VBS every evening this week. We had the pleasure of taking one of Princess’ friends with us and we enjoyed picking her up and then visiting with her and her mom after dropping her off each day this week.

I’ve also been finishing everything that comes with writing an ebook. Seems like just writing one isn’t enough. 😉 The good news is that I’m done now and next Wednesday, “The Classic Housewife’s ABC‘s of Eclectic Homeschool” will be available in pdf and kindle form. Wednesday is also James’ and my fourteenth wedding anniversary!

In our homeschool this week…

I let the kids off the hook this week, we’re only doing summer school anyway.

I am inspired by…

My husband would *die* if he knew I were sharing this (ok, not really, but he’d roll his eyes).. but he’s been practicing a song and he recorded himself singing it. I smile when I listen to it because he’s grown so much in so many ways over the past year – even the past six months. It’s amazing. Listen to James’ singing “Washed by the Water” (from Need to Breathe.)

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Just VBS at our former church, seeing lots of friends from there. And spending a lot of time getting to know the new friend that we took with us (and her mom, too.)

My favorite thing this week was…

~ good conversation with my friend, praying for each other

~ watching my kids, especially Little Prince, work so hard to memorize all of their memory verses for VBS

~ seeing some amazing things God has done in our lives, just this week, and also the lives of several friends

Things I’m working on…

Guess what! I don’t have to include the ebook here anymore! =p

Now I’m working on digging myself out of the email and blog comment hole that built up while I was so busy this week. I’m also turning my attention toward a BIG homeschool releated post I’m working on for early August and a BIG motherhood/parenting related event I’m working on for the end of August. Oh, the suspense. =p

Good news! I’m still working on eating healthy and losing weight! I’ve lost a little over 2 pounds in the week and a half that I’ve been tracking my food and activity on My Fitness Pal. I need to step it up in the exercise department. Come join me!

I’m praying for…

~ Several friends with various needs

~ My husband, our family, God’s provision

I’m grateful for…

Good friends who pray for me, bloggy friends who help and teach and learn with me, my wonderful kids, a yummy healthier diet, God helping me eat healthier this time — He must be since I’m enjoying it so much more!, school money that God is providing, and so many other things!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Here’s a little bit of link love!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!