Ok, so I completely ripped off that Christmas song… but it works! Are you ready? Thanksgiving plans are fast underway here. I’m in charge of the bird, the stuffing, the mashed potatoes, the bread rolls and the pumpkin pie. My husband’s family will be joining us here at our house (and I only have a toaster oven) so I’m going to be cooking our turkey the day before at my mom’s house. You know… I’m thinking that might actually be pretty smart anyway. ; ) I don’t have any recipes to share because I pretty much do things straight and simple (it’s the way hubby likes his food!)

I’ve got lots of house cleaning on the schedule for the upcoming week, but also, I want to try to fit in some Thanksgiving related activities, for school, too. We’ll create our Thankful Tree and spend the week adding to it until Thursday.  I have several Thanksgiving books to read with the kids and I want to make sure that we read one each day — including the story of Squanto. I love the story of Squanto…. God’s providence always stands out to me and amazes me.

Monday is Little Prince’s birthday!! He’s not so little anymore, he’ll be six. (Pause a moment for mommy sentimentalism right here.) Of course he’ll always be MY little prince. = ) One family tradition we have here is that birthdays are school holidays so there will be NO SCHOOL! The kids always love that part. I think in addition to getting some cleaning done we’ll use that day to make our thankful trees and decorate for Thanksgiving. That night we’ll be celebrating with our families and with Star Wars birthday cookies (and presents.. shhh!!)

I’m looking forward to the coming week! Don’t be surprised if I’m not around much.. (I won’t be surprised if you aren’t!) = p

Happy Thanksgiving my American friends! (My Canadian friends, I know you’ve already had yours!) I will leave  you with a few links from my Pinterest board, Holidays. Click the pictures to see some of my favorite Thanksgiving pins that I want to fit into our celebration this year.


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!