by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 5 RESULTS
School at Home

Faith-Based Curriculum: By Design Science (1-8) Review

We love science.  For me, studying science reveals some of the amazing ways God left his fingerprints in this world he created. When you see how intricate and awe-inspiring the world really is, how complex and clever the design of everything around us, it’s as if creation itself calls out, “look here! See God here? And here??” My 12 year old son loves science, too. He finds it interesting and …


How to: Taking Your Own Homeschool Senior Portraits

How to Take Your Own Homeschool Senior Portraits Taking your own homeschool senior portraits is a bit of a challenge but something you can totally pull off with some planning and effort. (This is something else we were trying to do in the middle of graduating early and planning a graduation and registering for classes.) Ideally, you won’t be trying to get all of these things done at once. Even …