by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
School at Home

The Best Part of Homeschooling

The Best Part of Homeschooling Do you know what the best part of homeschooling is?  Is it the ability to tailor a child’s education to their needs? Or the ability to tailor a curriculum plan to a certain worldview? What about the opportunity to educate at an advanced pace if desired, to graduate early and get a head start on college? Or the ability to provide a safe place to …

Our School

Used Homeschool Curriculum for Sale! K-6th

Used Homeschool Curriculum, Books, and Other Materials One of the trends I’ve noticed in homeschooling is the acquisition of lots of STUFF. We try different books, different methods, our kids have different needs, then they outgrow them… and we need to try to find a way to pass on these great but no longer necessary items. And let me tell you, I have a lot of great but no longer …