by Classic Housewife

Showing: 25 - 27 of 30 RESULTS
Just Me

Temporary Insanity: Surviving Life with PMDD, Part 2

Yes, that third pregnancy sent “normal” completely out the window.  I used to watch those commercials that would come on for “that new diagnosis called PMDD,” and outwardly I’d scoff, “here we go with another label to throw prescription drugs at,” and inwardly I’d say, “THAT SOUNDS JUST LIKE ME.” I thought it was in my head and I denied it. If you read Part One, you know that I …

School at Home

Homeschooling with Tablets

[maxbutton id=”1″] The kids received something extra special under the Christmas tree..and I’ve been putting it to good use. They all got their own tablets, and they are loving them. Tablets! Each of them?? Yes, sirree. But hang on now, you need to know two things.   1.)  I got a REALLY good deal… 2.)  I had ulterior motives (mwahahahaa!)   Each of my three darling children had one “big …

Life with PMDD
Just Me

Temporary Insanity: Surviving Life With PMDD, Part One

After the birth of my third child, my son, everything changed. Growing up, I didn’t suffer much from PMS, not really. I was sensitive and weepy, yes, like most teen girls. But I never had anyone look at me like I had two heads and or like they needed to fear for their safety–no, that came later. My biggest teenage PMS challenge was the irregularity, and the cramps. Never knowing …