by Classic Housewife

Showing: 19 - 21 of 30 RESULTS
Faith and God

NOAH Movie: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Not that long ago, the movie that everyone was talking about was Disney’s latest release, “Frozen.” Many raved, many shrugged and some voiced concerns over perceived underlying messages–most notably that they felt there was some kind of gay agenda behind the song, “Let it Go.” (Although, many others also spoke out against those claims stating they perceived nothing of the sort.) It’s hard in cases like these to judge whether …

Just Me

Should I See the Movie NOAH?

That’s the question. It’s a question I have been asked by many friends, including one set of friends who wanted to know if they could take their son to see it. And you know what? When they first asked my response was, “I haven’t heard anything bad about it yet, except of course that it won’t likely be a true Biblical account, but it doesn’t look BAD.” And then of …