Struggling Readers Learning to read is a journey. It has its ups and downs. Reading is not an innate skill that we are born with like learning to crawl or walk. It takes a lot of work to learn to read, and when your child struggles it can be very frustrating for everyone. Identifying hurdles and weaknesses is the first step in helping your child overcome them. There are so …
Teaching Reading with Word Families: Ten Days of How to Teach Your Child to Read
Teaching Reading with Word Families One of the things I like to do for reading is to work with word families. Word family exercises built around a phonics rule can help a child practice both a phonics approach and recognizing phonemes and words by sight. Using word families reinforces the patterns in the reading. Patterns make it easy for the kids to make and remember connections. Using Word Families for …
Mommy’s Law #2 – When Mommy is On the Phone
Mommy’s Law! Some things in a mom’s life just seem to work a certain way. I call it “Mommy’s Law.” For example, trying to make a phone call. We’ve all been there! We have an important call to make, or a friend calls to check in on us, and wham! Next thing you know, the kids are fighting, or bouncing off the walls, or something else that demands our attention. …