by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS

The Sparkle Box Review and Giveaway

Don’t you love it when you find something that fits perfectly? It always brings a smile to my face. I especially love being surprised by a perfect find, that’s even better. I know it’s going to sound contrived but that’s how it went with The Sparkle Box. I knew it looked like it would be good, but then I read it and it was perfect. Let me explain. The Sparkle …


A Simple Advent 2012

Every year we celebrate Advent, but every year is a little different. Once again I find the need to scale back and celebrate simply. With a move on the immediate horizon, we’ve decided not to pull out all of our Christmas decor and paraphernalia, and we’ve decided to scale back our activities as well. But we ARE celebrating Advent. Celebrating isn’t about the stuff, and I THINK.. I could even …