by Classic Housewife

Showing: 10 - 12 of 23 RESULTS

You Rule chores App {Review}

Most kids don’t like chores. Well, I know for sure that MY kids don’t! If we’re really honest, I’ll admit that I don’t care much for chores either. But I *do* like the end result. I love a clean and comfortable room. I also like taking care of my family, being responsible and honoring God. This is my motivation and I’m teaching my kids that these are the reasons behind …

Making Home

Motivated Moms Planner App {Review}

One of the common struggles for homeschooling moms is keeping up with housework while getting school done, spending time with the family, and doing everything else in between. This is certainly no exception at our house! As we head into the new school year (with more advanced work for Princess) and as I invest more time on my blog, the more I need something to help me stay on top …

Click to see product.

Review: “Kids, Chores & More” (Getting kids to do their chores.)

Getting kids to do their chores is a struggle many parents face. We’ve been up and down with this struggle ourselves, going through good phases and bad phases as things change and grow. Every parent wants to teach their child to be responsible and have a good work ethic but many simply just don’t know where to start. Judy Helm Wright of Artichoke Press is a mother of six and …