Yes, you read that title right!! The whole MONTH of May.

See.. I really need to menu plan for smart grocery shopping. But I’m really bad about doing it consistently. And I’m even worse about getting it on the blog! So I thought to myself, “I need to work SMARTER and not harder, right?” And it seems like the smart thing to do here is plan all at once and blog it once a month. Sounds good, right?

So here’s our Menu for the next FOUR weeks:

May 6 — Supper at Church

May 7 — Breakfast for Supper! Eggs, silver dollar pancake and sausage patty “sandwiches,” apples wedges.

May 8 — Pizza delivery! (I’m having dental work this day, I won’t feel up to cooking, OR eating. I’ll have a smoothie!)

May 9 — Big Daddy eats out with guys from church. “Fix your own food” for the rest of us here at home.

May 10 — Chicken enchiladas, Mexican rice, cilantro black beans

May 11 — Spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread, salad

May 12 — Chili, cornbread, steamed brussel sprouts


May 13 — Supper at Church

May 14 — Chicken fettuccine alfredo, salad, garlic bread

May 15 — Taco Night!

May 16 — Big Daddy eats out with guys from church. “Fix your own food” for the rest of us here at home.

May 17 — “Frito Salad” (fritos, lettuce, green onions, tomato, kidney beans, cheese, catalina dressing)

May 18 — Mini meatloaves, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn bread

May 19 — Chicken & dumplings


May 20 — Supper at Church

May 21 — Grilled chicken, rice, steamed veggies

May 22 — Chili & cornbread, some kind of vegetable

May 23 — Big Daddy eats out with guys from church. “Fix your own food” for the rest of us here at home.

May 24 — Chipotle style burritos, salsa fresca

May 25 — Breakfast for supper – Biscuits, gravy, turkey bacon, sausage, fresh fruit

May 26 — Mock chicken fried steaks, mashed potatoes, ranch beans, biscuits


May 27 — Supper at Church

May 28 — Baked potato soup

May 29 — Taco Night!

May 30 — Big Daddy eats out with guys from church. “Fix your own food” for the rest of us here at home.

May 31 — Meatball sub sandwiches

June 1 — BBQ chicken, veggies, potato fries

June 2 — Rice, beans, cornbread


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura the Organizing Junkie!!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!