Link up to the ABC's
The ABC’s of Homeschooling started back up again last week (and I missed it I was so busy!) but tomorrow is the B post so you know what that means — I need to get my A post written so I don’t skip one! =p

At first I wasn’t sure what I would write about but then I realized that “A” is actually quite easy. Now that we’ve been back to school for six weeks, we’re a few chapters into our Apologia Anatomy book. I have to say… I LOVE IT!

I knew that I would.

I had no doubt.

I mean, it’s Apologia. And we LOVED their Astronomy. So I had high hopes and I’ve not been disappointed. Why do I love their books? Well, let me tell you:

1.) It isn’t boring and dry. They can even be considered “living books” since they’re written by one author who is passionate about the subject and they can be read out loud in story fashion. In fact, this is our preferred method. The kids gather round and I read to them, sometimes stopping for questions or to further explain something but often reading a whole section and then discussing it together.

2.) It’s a good option for teaching multiple ages together. Soon, probably next year, my oldest one will have to break out and do some higher science.. but all of the younger science books are good for teaching across the grades as a group. I don’t expect my 5 year old to get as much out of it, but he often does! (And sometimes he remembers more than the girls because he’s my little science guy!)

3.) The notebooking journals are great — especially now that they’ve come out with the junior notebooking journals. When we did Astronomy last year I just didn’t require my then 7 year old to do as much as her older sister. This year she has the Junior notebooking journal and that’s a better fit for her. (And I made copies of the copywork and coloring pages for the 5 year old so that he can join in, too!) The journals provide a variety of ways to go over and practice the material they’ve just learned. In addition to hearing it, then talking about it, the kids can then write about it and draw about it, too. I like things that incorporate multiple learning styles. = )

4.) It’s written from a Christian point of view — but it still addresses non-Christian theories and ideas so that we can discuss them and know what they are. The very first chapter of the book taught the history of Anatomy & Physiology, in which we discussed how Ancient Egyptians (though they believed in an afterlife and were trying to prepare the Pharoah’s body for traveling to the other side) are one of the first examples of people studying the human body… and though some of their ideas were wrong (they thought the brain was useless and threw it out!) their practices of removing some organs for the canopic jars is evidence of early study of anatomy.

5.) The book is full of pictures.. very colorful and interesting pictures! (This is one of the things that helps keep my little guy in my lap while I’m reading.) And if often has suggestions for other books to read or websites to visit.

6.) The experiments are easy enough but educational AND fun! That’s just a win/win all over the place.

We also have Apologia’s worldview Curriculum, “Who is God? And Can I Know Him?” — Yeah. Love that one, too. I plan on continuing with that, as well as their sciences, all the way through high school. I’m happy. And you know what? “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” right??

Also, you can click here to see a list of supplemental anatomy science books that we have.

This is a part of the ABC’s of Homeschooling series by Dawn — brought to you on HER NEW BLOG!– at The Momma Knows. You can find all of my previous “ABC” posts here.




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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!