The beginning of the school year fast approaches! I’m plugging away at getting ready before it gets here. Here’s a peek at what I’m working on now:

Yes, I’m knee deep in planning our science for the year. The notebooking journals come with a 36 week lesson plan in the front which really helps, but the girls have different notebooking journals this year (The Junior Notebooking Journal is nice!) so they have some different activities. I’ll be including the 5 year old on some things, too, so right now I’m making a master lesson plan in my Well Planned Day planner — what pages we’re going to read, who is going to do which activities suggested in the book, and what the 5 year old is going to do. It’s not hard… it’s just time consuming! And it takes a little bit of concentration. Translation: The kids are making a mess while I focus so intently on my planner. ; )
On the other hand, while I was lesson planning our grammar book I found the process to be tedious and overwhelming at times but now that I’m finished I feel a great relief and peace because it’s all laid out in black and white. Hopefully the science will be there soon. 4 weeks down, 32 to go! ; )
I like your translation – the kids making a mess while you are planning. Sounds a lot like what has been going on here!! I’m feeling better with my planning. Math and art are done, reading and handwriting are very straightforward. Just history, unit studies, and Bible to plan!
Mom focused on a project is ALWAYS translated as “the kids are making a mess” — not very fair, is it? ;0)
Just realized – I have that same box of pencils. They are MAMA’S pencils. I’m sure I could do the planning on the computer and print it all out, but I do enjoy writing with pencil & paper sometimes.
They’re not the EXACT same pencils I have.. but they’re close. I think I have the dollar store knock-off version. I like having pretty colored pens and pencils though. It feeds my office supply addiction. =)
We have some Apologia Notebooks too, but ours are for the Land Animals book. They are doing Land Animals for science at our co-op. We’re all looking forward to the projects and notebooks! 🙂
Is this your first time to use the Apologia notebooks? This is our second, though our first with the junior notebooking journal (they didn’t have that out for Astronomy yet when we did it last year.) Drama Queen had a regular journal, she just wasn’t expected to do as much to the same extent as Princess. It worked, but writing (copywork or otherwise) is not her favorite thing to do so there was a lack of cooperation over it sometimes. I’m really looking forward to having the junior journal for her this year, I think she will respond to it… Read more »