by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 9 RESULTS
Making Home

A Painting We Will Go

One of the things on my “2011 To Do List” is “paint a painting.” The kids and I are going to start working on some painting projects next week, but first I needed to see if the acrylic paint would do okay with watercolor paper. (I didn’t really want to have to buy a bunch of the canvas boards if I didn’t have to. Not at first anyway… So here’s …

Just Me Marriage

Not Your Typical Post About Valentine’s Day

**Originally published February 13th, 2010.** I am, and always have been, a hopeless romantic. Those grand, romantic gestures that movies are made of make my heart melt. I wanted my husband to propose to me on Valentine’s Day on one knee in front of an entire restaurant after having the ring cleverly placed in my dessert. (He didn’t, but we’ll get to that in a minute.) I am also fluent …