by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 9 RESULTS
Making Home Parenting

20 Minute Clean-Up

Every now and then I come up with something that’s REALLY good. Most of the time I come up with good ideas and they’re good for a little while and then our needs and abilities change and we need a new idea. (Sometimes I come up with ideas that seem good at first glance but really aren’t feasible but that’s beside the point..) But every now and then I think …

Making Home

Mornings and Evenings

And the mornings and the evenings rotate one by one, marking the passing of days. February slips by like a thief, stealthy and unnoticed. It is nearly gone. January, a distant memory now, began a journey through the bible that is nearly half over. January left a bitter taste with many failed goals but brought the sweetness of a new evening routine. February embraced a challenge to fine tune a …