Duh Duh DUHHH.

Well, it’s here. The end of January. The end of the 3 in 30 Challenge. The end of my rope of excuses. Ding! Time is up.
How did we do?

Wellllll,… not so good. It should have already been obvious if you read this post.

The beginning of the month was great. The 2nd week in brought a host of challenges (illnesses and such) that threw our sleeping schedule out of whack & I’ve spent the entire month trying to get that back on track.

  1. I didn’t get up early or even on time and didn’t start the day with prayer & bible reading (except a very few times.)
  2. I didn’t start using my home management binder during the day
  3. And I didn’t get caught up ALL THE WAY on the laundry and dishes, not even once, so that I could keep them at bay by getting them done each night before going to bed.

The idea was to spend January getting back into a good routine around here so that our day would run more smoothly and I could work on other goals in upcoming months. It didn’t quite work that way. =\


  1. I have been getting up earlier and not sleeping in so late, I just need to get up even EARLIER to get quiet time before the kids wake up.
  2. I have *almost* caught up on all the laundry and all the dishes ever single day. One good push on a fruitful Saturday could get me there.
  3. I did, in lieu of the binder, write up a daily routine and post it in the hallway – and even though we haven’t completely adopted the new routine yet, we’ve been following it as best as we could. And the whole bedtime routine things we’ve had going on the past couple weeks has been AWESOME. So there’s that. That rocks.

So. January didn’t look at all like I thought it should. At least there are signs of improvement. We’ve still gotten school done. We’ve still had supper pretty close to on time (most nights.) We’ve been making progress.

I’d like to see that progress continue for February.

Considering that our mornings right now are the proverbial THORN IN MY SIDE, I say we start there. Ya think?

So how about, goal number one for February:

1.) Get up at 7 a.m.

Shocking, right? Yeah, I thought so, too.

And goal number two? Hmm… how about…

2.) Start my day off on the right foot – Read & Pray first.

Wellll, starting the coffee pot is allowed. So aside from starting the coffee pot, no opening the laptop, no turning on the tv,.. I need to take the time to show where my priorities lay. I say it, I need to act like it.

And finally, a third one.. I’m going to get really crazy here..

3.) Breakfast on time.

Crazy, right? I mean, absolutely absurd. I’ve gone bonkers.

Ok, all kidding aside.. I’m going on the assumption here that if we can get the first hour of our day off on the right foot then, well, the rest of the day has a better chance of going a lot smoother. Makes sense. So I’m going with that.

The challenges will be that:

  • I like staying up late, which makes it hard to get up early, so I need to change those habits.
  • My two younger kids get up and turn the tv on which can suck us in way too easy if we’re not careful.

Yeah, so there will be that. But I’m gonna give it a go. Those are 3 teeny tiny steps that are going to hopefully help me keep a little bit of sanity around here. I have a WHOLE LOT of OTHER STUFF on MY PLATE for the MONTH of FEBRUARY. That’s not me yelling.. that’s me trying to avoid hyperventilating. ; )

I’m cool. Really. And I’m looking forward to giving this challenge another go. If you feel the urge to join the craziness with me just click on over to www.thetuckerstaketennessee.com and check it out!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!