You know that age old rule: “Don’t laugh when your child does something wrong no matter how terribly cute or funny it is”? I broke that rule today. Shoot, I took a sledgehammer and smashed it all to smithereens when I turned to hubs saying “Watch him! Do it again for Daddy!” A teensy moment of bad parenting.. I’m not perfect. My son may have thrown all table manners to …
A New Church?
I’ve mentioned a little, bits and pieces, that we’ve been in a (long) process of finding a new church. I’ve tried a little here, a little there.. I’ve never really committed to anywhere.. I’m not really certain that this is “the one” or that we’ll end up committing to our “new church” either.. but I can say this: it looks like there’s potential. How’s that for vague? =p Hubs and …
Homeschool Hop By Hip Homeschool Moms
The very same Hip Homeschool Moms that brought us Monday’s Twitter party also has a Blog Hop list up right now. It’s closed to new entries, but there are 140 homeschooling blogs, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts linked up to browse through. There will be another BlogHop next week, and I’ll try to remind you about it before the linky closes!