Menu Planning is something (when I do it) that keeps me accountable for using the fresh fruits & vegetables we have on hand, makes sure I plan enough fruits & vegetables into each day, provides enough variety on the  menu from day to day, and helps me get supper on the table in a timely manner every evening.

That said. I think it’s high time I got back in that habit don’t you think? This week’s menu is centered largely around the produce that we received in last week’s organic produce co-op share, as well as the additional produce items I purchased at the store and the meats that I have on hand in the freezer.  This week we’ll be trying one new recipe (the ground turkey soup) and leaning heavily on many of our regular “safe” meals.


Breakfast – Bagels, cream cheese, fresh strawberries
Lunch – Nacho Supremes (from Sunday’s leftover chipotle burrito fixings.)
Snack – Sliced sweet peppers, broccoli & ranch
Supper- Spaghetti, salad, garlic toast


Breakfast – Scrambled eggs, bacon, fresh cantaloupe
Lunch – Sandwiches, chips, broccoli florets
Snack – Bananas, yogurt, granola
Supper – Ground Turkey Soup (w/potatoes, carrots & barley)


Breakfast – Bagels, cream cheese, oranges & apples
Lunch – Baked potatoes w/ cheese, turkey bacon, sour cream & green onions
Snack – Fruit Salad (apples, grapes, kiwi, bananas, oranges)
Supper – Salisbury Steaks, baked yams, salad


Breakfast – Cereal, bananas
Lunch – Sandwiches, chips, apple wedges
Snack – Cauliflower & carrot sticks w/ranch
Supper – Mini Meatloaves, steamed broccoli, red potatoes


Breakfast – Pancakes, turkey bacon, orange wedges
Lunch – Sandwiches, chips, carrot sticks & ranch
Snack – Peanut butter & crackers, apples
Supper- Grilled chicken salads, garlic bread


Breakfast – Biscuits, gravy, turkey bacon, fruit
Lunch – Leftovers
Snack – Jello & fruit
Supper – Tacos, fresh salsa


Breakfast – Oatmeal, toast, fruit
Lunch – Chili, Cornbread Muffins, veggies
Snack – Popcorn
Supper- Leftovers

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura, the Organizing Junkie.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!