by Classic Housewife

Showing: 7 - 9 of 212 RESULTS
Blogging and Memes

Tackling Blog Stuff

Oh yes, I may have been a little quiet on the blog over the past two holiday weeks, but I have busy behind the scenes whenever I get a spare moment. I’ve been tackling some long overdue blog issues and “stuff.” The main thing you’ll notice is The Disclosure page, which after many revisions and tweaks I’m finally very happy with. I’ve also finally settled some wordpress upgrade issues and …


Advent 2009: Resolution

With Christmas Day only a few days past, the momentum and excitement that has been building for the last 4 weeks feels suddenly vacant. You may even feel a bit of a let down, especially if you’re unhappy with the way “it all went down” on Christmas Day. I know that in years past when we just dug in without so much as a nod to God for all his …