by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 212 RESULTS
Making Home

Bye Bye Pig Sty

I’m tired. I’m sick and tired of feeling like we’re covering the same ground every day. Bottom line is we have bad habits. If we (the kids mostly but James and I do it, too) didn’t leave stuff out we wouldn’t have to put it away later. If I cleaned up the kitchen right after a meal, I wouldn’t have to come back and do it later when the food …

Blogging and Memes

10 Blogging goals for 2010

Thinking about the new year ahead, looking back on the year we’re wrapping up, I’ve mapped out some simple goals for this blog for 2010. You non-bloggers might shake your head and think, “geez, that’s awfully serious, it’s just a blog!” On the contrary, the main focus of most of these goals is to help me “keep it real” so to speak. How am I going to try to do …