by Classic Housewife

Showing: 58 - 60 of 212 RESULTS

Halloween at Our House

I’ve never been a BIG Halloween fan, but as a kid, we often begged our mom to go somewhere or do something for Halloween. The biggest reason I wanted to go trick-or-treating was for the candy, and the only reason I wanted to attend parties was for the fun and friends. We’d often attend events put on by local churches and honestly, as long as we came home with a …

Blogging and Memes

Come, Shoot The Breeze With Me!

Hello, Friday! Another weekend is here. Our plans? Not much. This was “the week of very little sleep.” Last night, for the first time in at least a week, I actually got 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep! One night really isn’t enough to recover from a week though – so I’m really hoping for a repeat tonight. 😉 Since I missed last week, I really have a lot of good …