by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
Just Me

Welcoming 2010

I can’t explain why I’m excited about the New Year because I’m usually a little sad and melancholy to see the old year go. But. I’ll take it! I think this year’s going to hold good things for us. Of course, I’m just guessing, but either way we’re headed into 2010 so I might as well go with a good attitude – right? Typically I tend to over-plan and set …

Just Me

31 Day Fitness Challenge

31 Days of Pain. 31 Days of Gain. Hopefully by the end of the month, it will be more gain and less pain. Yes, I’m committing to exercising (and eating right) every single day in January. Are you with me? I’m also committing to blogging about it each day – though you don’t have to go that far. It’s something my husband has challenged me to do to keep me …

Just Me

Reflecting on 2009

Wow, what a year! Many ups and downs.. and though the optimist in me would say, “It’s still a good year overall!” I’m ready to see it go and I’m looking forward to 2010. Some of the Lows from 2009: I completely failed at my attempt at container gardening by ignoring it too much and wasted who knows how much money on it. I don’t think I’ve completed a single …