by Classic Housewife

Showing: 13 - 15 of 20 RESULTS
Our School

Roll Call!

Hey, Homeschool Mom… What About School Pictures? As a homeschooler, my walls and wallet aren’t loaded down with yearly school photos -which is in a way a blessing, but school photos are a great way to see how much your child has grown and changed from year to year. I take PLENTY of photos to chronicle the growth of my children on a monthly and even weekly basis. It’s true. …

Just Me

Memories from the Deep

I often say that I don’t remember much from my childhood – perhaps what I really mean is that I don’t think I remember as much as I should, though I don’t know why I think I should. There are little fragments of memory floating in a sea of grey, drifting aimlessly in my head. Some of them pass by at the strangest of times, coming to mind for no …