by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 12 RESULTS
Making Home

Tackling Some More Home Decor: Floral Arrangements

You may not believe this given the state of my sad, tired, country-fied floral arrangement I showed you last week, but I actually do have some strict floral rules I try to adhere to – really. Rules for Floral Engagement The flowers have to look like their real counterparts – imperfect petals, some browns in the leaves. Real flowers aren’t cookie cutter and identical so artificial ones shouldn’t be either. …

Faith and God

See the Little Things

Yesterday found me standing in the rain, collecting garbage from a wayward bag that had gotten lost on the way up the hill to the dumpster and then had the courtesy to spill its trash all over the side of the hill. Hubs was off on a Sunday afternoon computer call, Little Prince was napping and the girls were given instructions to “be nice” while Momma was outside getting wet …