
Getting back into menu planning, THE RIGHT WAY, this week. I’ve gotten to a point where all I need to do this week is grocery shop for the ingredients I don’t have on hand and then I can shop what’s on sale and stock up on those things. It’s kind of exciting getting to that point. 🙂

So, bearing in mind what I have on hand in the pantry and freezer, here’s our game plan for this week:


  • B~   Blueberry pancakes, tangelo wedges
  • L~   Tuna Salad with apples & pecans and whole grain crackers
  • Sn~ Banana Oat Muffins
  • Su~ Crockpot Chicken & Dumplings & Homemade Bread

{Have all this on hand}

Tuesday – Drama Queen’s Birthday!!

  • B~   Banana Oat Muffins & OJ
  • L~   Turkey Sandwiches on Homemade Potato Bread, Chips, Pears
  • Sn~ Carrots & Ranch Dip
  • Su~ Homemade Pizza; Dessert: Chocolate Cup Cakes

{Just need hubby to pick up some milk. We plan on spending part of the day with my mother-in-law, so meal plans for this day may change.}


  • B~   Cereal & Fruit
  • L~   Homemade ‘Lunchables’ and sliced apples
  • Sn~ Potato Wedges & Dip
  • Su~ Chili, Cornbread

{Need wheat crackers, string cheese, potatoes, ground beef}


{Need tater tots, ground sausage, more milk for the yogurt, and a small plain yogurt to start}


  • B~   Yogurt Parfaits
  • L~   Homemade Mac N Cheese w/Wienies, Veggies
  • Sn~ Cheese, Crackers, grapes and banana slices
  • Su~ Tacos, (Homemade tortillas), Pico de Gallo

{Need american cheese, turkey dogs, grapes, bananas, ground beef, lettuce, tomato, onion (sale:$0.39/lb), cilantro, jalapeno pepper}


{Need turkey bacon, cantaloupe, large tortillas, refried beans, shredded cheese, avocados}


  • B~   Cereal & Juice
  • L~   Nacho Supremes (with all the leftover taco and burrito stuff)
  • Sn~ Yogurt, granola, apple muffins (leftover snack stuff)
  • Su~ Breakfast for Dinner –  Scrambled Eggs, Biscuits, Turkey Bacon, Fruit Salad

{Need tortilla chips and by this point, probably another milk, if not sooner.}

Also on my shopping list (from our local sales circular):

  • (2) 4lb bag sugar, $1.37 each
  • (2) 1lb carton strawberries, $1.99 each
  • (4-5) Pilgrim’s Pride cut-up chicken, $1.29/lb.
  • (2) Luzianne Tea, Family Size, 24ct, $1.69 each.
  • 15lb bag russet potatoes, $5.99

Plus I have $4.00 off in store coupons (with their current promotion) and of course I’m going to check and see if I have coupons for anything on my list before I go. I haven’t done very well witht the coupon thing so far. I keep forgetting to go into town on Sundays and get a paper (I don’t have to go all the way into town to get to church) and I still need to sign up for those coupon sites! I’m hoping to get my printer installed and working today – perhaps the next thing I’ll do is sign up for those and go coupon hunting. 😉

Our store releases new circulars on Wednesdays and I may go back to the store on Wednesday to stock up on ground beef if they put some on sale. I’ve been going at the end of the sale week lately and I’ve been able to stock up on chicken, but the last 2 times I went I wasn’t even able to get enough ground beef for that week b/c they were out. So I’m also learning that I need to adjust my shopping schedule to mid-week so I can catch the store sales before they run out. You live, you learn. 🙂

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura @ I’m an Organizing Junkie!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!