I confess, I’m one of those weepy saps that is sorry to see all the Christmas decorations packed away for another year. I love this time of year, the holidays, the decorations – and my favorite is my tree – as evidenced by my tree ornament addiction. I’m sad to see them go, but it must be done. I need the space in my living room back, and Big Daddy would NOT like having a Christmas tree year round. So away they go.

My mother was telling me the other day that she used a WHOLE box of 100 ornament hooks when decorating her tree this year – and it’s not NEAR as full as mine, she says. Which got me thinking: Just HOW many ornaments DO I have on my tree?? And that got me thinking: LET’S HAVE A CONTEST!

Contests are fun, and just what I need to help me enjoy taking everything down. Today, I tackle the tree. I will take it all down. And as I do, I will count the ornaments. Every single one.

And you, you, will guess.

The person with the guess that is closest without going over will win a prize. It’s not much, but it’s a prize: A $5.00 Sonic gift card (or I can just paypal you the $5 if you don’t live near a Sonic!)

Hey, I said it’s not much but it’s a prize! Work with me here. 😉

You also get the satisfaction, credit and whatever bloggy link love I can send your way. How’s that for a deal?

(Though, I suppose, non-bloggers can enter in which case you just get the satisfaction and the credit. And the giftcard.) Moving on…

So here’s my tree, Christmas Eve before I went to bed (no ornaments have been added, but I can’t promise one or two haven’t been taken away – I have a toddler!! But if they have, we’ll count them as we find them and put them away because they SHOULD be on the tree and most likely WERE for this picture. Deal?) Click on the pics to enlarge them.



And if you want even more information, you can check out my Christmas tree post. (Except my grandma STILL owes me those handmade ornaments from my great-grandmother! Harumph!)

So you have to leave your guess here by midnight Tuesday night, Central time, because I’ll be checking back then to post the final count and perhaps an after pic with a living room restored to it’s rightful order. You in?? Good! So, gueeesssssss…. NOW!

Tackle it Tuesday is hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom!

UPDATE: So just HOW MANY ornaments were on my tree? Click here to find out, and find out who guessed correctly.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!