A busy week ahead! This week we’ll finish up studying for Princess’ test on Friday, getting ready for the holiday weekend with family, working on our monthly organizational challenge, making a few appointments, going over to my mother-in-law’s to get some sewing done and participating in a homeschool family picnic. Phew!


1.) Bible Study: Morning devotions using this site to study my bible chronologically. (I ordered a new devotional bible, though and it should be here this week!)

2.) “MUST Do” List:

  • Stick to my daily schedule (as God allows) for morning devotions, taking care of the home and home-schooling. Working on organizational challenge in between.
  • Appointment on Tuesday, then sewing at MIL’s.
  • Picnic on Friday, then Princess’ assessment test in the afternoon.
  • Early Memorial Day dinner here at our house on Sunday.
  • Iron Big Daddy’s clothes for each day, as a labor of love.

3.) Taking Care of My Home:

Daily Chores and then focus on these areas for weekly chores (I’m working out a new system for laundry since giving the girls their own hampers and teaching them to wash their laundry – this week we’ll try it this way):

  • Monday – Kitchen; Wash towels, tablecloths, etc.
  • Tuesday – Dining Room; The girls wash and put away their own laundry.
  • Wednesday – Living Room; Wash Momma’s laundry. Little Prince helps wash and put away his laundry.
  • Thursday – Master Bedroom; Wash all bed sheets, put them back on the beds.
  • Friday – Kids’ Rooms; Wash Big Daddy’s laundry & Whites
  • Saturday – Bathrooms; Clean Up Yard/Car

4.) Training My Children:

  • Daily basics for Drama Queen.
  • Review for 2nd grade assessment test for Princess.
  • Tuesday we’ll make our bar graphs.

5.) Menu Plan Monday

  • Monday – Oatmeal; PBJ’s & Apple Slices; Carrots & Ranch; Bean Soup
  • Tuesday – French Toast; Chicken Noodle Soup; Dinner at MIL’s
  • Wednesday – Oatmeal; Sandwiches; Jello; Potato Soup
  • Thursday – Biscuits, Gravy, Turkey Bacon; Mac’N’Cheese & Hot Dogs; Fruit Salad; Quesadillas
  • Friday – Cereal & Fruit; Sandwiches; Carrots & Ranch; Family Casserole
  • Saturday – Biscuits, Gravy, Turkey Bacon; Chili & Cornbread; Granola Bars; Breakfast for Dinner
  • Sunday – Cereal; Spaghetti; Fruit Salad; Hamburgers, Potato Salad, Homemade Ice Cream & Cobbler

Monday Meanderings is hosted by Tiany and Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura. Thanks ladies!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!