I know this may sound a bit odd coming from a girly girl like me… but I actually quite enjoy the Star Wars movies. Especially the newer three. So of course when they came on last weekend, I recorded them on our DVR. And when the next three come on this weeked? I’ll DVR those too.
Now, I know, I know, I KNOW that all analogies break down,… and I’m not really sure how far you can take this one before it falls to pieces… but as Princess and I were watching Revenge of the Sith, I seized the teachable moment to analyze how the dark side is like sin.
I don’t know if it’s intentional (which I doubt), or just really convenient (probably), but think about it.
- When you give in to the dark side, it will consume you.
- You are no less angry and sad when you switch to the dark side, now you’re just angry and sad and on the wrong side.
- Being consumed with personal gain only gets worse when you switch the dark side.
- Those on the dark side are surrounded by death and evilness.
- When on the dark side, you don’t have love, not really.
On the other hand:
- Those in the light put others above themselves.
- The good side of the force is used to help others.
- If you’re on the good side of the force and become sad, you will draw strength from the force to still do what is right.
- On the good side, the Jedi are commanded to have compassion and love others.
- Those in the light are happy servants of the light.
Just a few verses:
So I guess you really can make a teachable moment out of just about anything. 😉