by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 21 RESULTS
Faith and God

Thankful Thursday – Visiting Family

We had a great time visiting my family over the weekend! I still miss my mom living so closely, but I’m so happy for her that they are doing so well down there. I know that she is right where God wants her. Nonetheless, I look forward to the next visit!! Thank you God for overseeing our steps and leading us in your will. Thank you God for providing through …

Just Me

Come Shoot The Breeze With Me

Hey, all, how’s the weather? It’s quite nice here – except that it’s allergy season. Achoo! We had a lovely visit with my parents over the weekend. I can’t believe my mom drove that far to come get us and then bring us back. Ella está loca en la cabeza. O el corazón. Cualquiera. 😉 But I love her! We went shopping, met my new baby niece, went to my …