by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 4 RESULTS

“Pumpin Up The Party Now!”

Howdy! It’s time for the Ultimate Blog Party – a party where our assignment is to “throw a party that showcases your blog and your style.” So that’s just what I’ll do. Oh! But there’s a twist. About a year and four months ago, I created this blog and I have used an alias since day 1. But now… I’m going to “come out of the Closet of Anonymity.” Seriously? …

Faith and God

Thankful For My Hubby

I have many blessings. My hubby is just one of them. But I am very thankful for him. Not only does he work very hard for us, but this website wouldn’t be here as it is without his help. He’s a very talented and gifted man. And I thank God for giving him to me, and I’m thankful for all the work my hubby has put in. James 1:17 Every …

Just Me

Come Shoot The Breeze With Me

Hey all… It’s a cold and rainy day today so come on in. Check out a little bit of what I’ve found around the blogosphere and then we can all get back to work – cuz we all probably have some more important we could be doing, right? Here’s a little bit about what’s been going on around here.. “Spring Cleaning” has been a little bit of a theme for …