comeshootbreezeI have a lot of cool stuff to share this week. Some of it I found this week, but a lot of it I’ve been collecting. This week we’ve been dealing with sickness and I haven’t had a large amount of computer time. But I’ve got a few minutes now so grab a cup of coffee (stir in some sugar substitute and chocolate syrup – yum!) and take a time out for a few minutes while you browse.

First let’s start with some cute little animals shall we? Everybody loves cute little animals. Especially Little Prince – he’s into animal sounds right now and you can often find him wandering the house or playing with his toys making animal sounds of some kind. A couple of weeks ago he was walking through the living room while I was on the phone with my mom saying, “Wherrrrre’s the kiiiitty?” (Much like you might say “where’s the baby?” right before you say “peekaboo!”) And then to call the cat, instead of saying “Here kitty, kitty”.. my 2 year old son started meowing. Only instead of sounding like me-yow, it came out like m-ow (like rhymes with how.) I broke out in laughter mid-sentence. I guess you just had to be there. 😉 So about a week ago my mom sent me this video for Little Prince to watch (actually I had to replace the original video- the other one wasn’t working):


Little Prince was napping when my mom sent me the link, but while he finished his nap I also found these:

I’m glad that I did, too, because when he woke up and I showed him, he giggled and giggled and wanted me to play them again. And of course he ran around the living room mimicking them.

And while you’re at it, watch this really neat video about a Hippo named Jessica who made herself at home in a house in South Africa. She doesn’t make any noises (couldn’t find any videos of hippo noises – what sound do hippos make?).


Okay, we haven’t done a whole lot in school this week (or anything), but I do have a few new sites to share. Maybe today or tomorrow the girls will feel better and we’ll get to do something.

  • An Old-Fashioned Education – “Miss Maggie” has supplied us with a wealth, a plethora, of free resources and downloads on all manner of subjects for all ages. Many of these are public domain resources available that she has taken the time to organize and compile in an easy to find list. (Thanks to Tons of Sons)
  • Phonics Posters – Free posters available for print. I plan on plastering them all over the school room! (Thanks to Tons of Sons)
  • Free Unit Studies – From History to Science to Literature and more for a variety of grade levels. (Thanks to Tons of Sons)
  • Super Teacher Worksheets – Printable worksheets for Math, Spelling, Handwriting, etc. I can’t pick out any one area, I’m going to be printing worksheets from every section.
  • Golden Books Print Factory – I don’t think I’ve shared this before, but if I have oh well! 🙂 This site has a selection of printables for pre-k and kindergarten.
  • Family Education – A large list of printables for a variety of ages on a variety of topics – I’m interested in the Forms and Charts section – woo-hoo! (I don’t think I’ve shared this one either, I found it buried in my bookmarks and I had forgotten about it.)

I’ve been working to improve my morning devotionals and this will certainly help!

  • Read Through The Bible In a Year – This is an awesome, awesome site with various plans for reading through the bible in a year, available in over 50 translations. I’m reading through the ESV translation chronologically. You can start on the 1st or 15th of any month and it will adjust the plan for you (or you can start now and try to catch up!) 😉 My favorite part is that after I click on a link for one of the daily readings, it gets crossed out. So whether you read online or in your personal bible, if you at least click on the link it will mark it off and you can easily keep track of what you have and haven’t read. Awesome.
  • Free Christian E-Books – Prayer for All People has a large selection of links to Christian texts available for download or online viewing – From John Bunyan to DL Moody to A.W. Tozer (or A.W. Pink take your pick) and many more. (Thanks to Tons of Sons)
  • Free John Piper e-Books – Did you know that Desiring God has an entire page of free, downloadable books? I do now. (Thanks to Tons of Sons)
  • E-mail Devotionals from – Weekly e-mail devotionals by people like Swindoll, Graham, Ingram, Spurgeon, Piper and Others. Not a replacement for daily morning bible study, to be sure, but another way to enhance my bible study throughout the day, throughout the week.

Oh and “won” more thing! I won a couple of things in last week’s giveaway carnival – YAY!

First, I won a little pink poodle purse (ahem, obviously I’m going to give this to one of the girls – or I may choose to give it away to some child in need of encouragement.. I’m just having trouble thinking of someone…) from Critters Who Care. Critters who Care is an organization devoted to bringing joy to children who have suffered traumatic pain in their lives, through providing stuffed animals to children in grief. These children might be dying from cancer, or removed from an abusive situation. A stuffed animal can become a child’s best friend for life. It’s a simple and affordable gesture that can mean a lot to a small child. Click here to find out more.

Secondly, I won an Apron from Giabella Designs! I’m very excited about this one. Last time around I tried very hard to win an apron to no avail (I’ve really been wanting to have not one, but several, pretty aprons!) I still plan to try my hand at making one but I know that I can’t get to that right now. In the meantime, I’ve got an apron being made specially for me that will arrive soon in the mail. She asked my favorite colors and I told her pink/black, pink/brown, and blue/brown. I have no idea which one it will be – it’s a surprise. I’m absolutely giddy! (Thank you!) Check out her Etsy store, too!
Well that’s what’s going on around here this week.. what’s going on for you? By the way, I’ve decided to add a new page to my blog for links. I’ll compile the best resource links (homeschool, spiritual, etc.) all on one page so I (and you) can reference them easily. Look for that sometime next week.

God Bless!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!