by Classic Housewife

Showing: 7 - 9 of 14 RESULTS
Just Me

Come Shoot The Breeze With Me…

Once again, a little moment to chat. Pour yourself a tall glass of southern iced tea, grab a rocking chair on the front porch and sit and shoot the breeze a while. First off, a big congratulations to the winners of the Spring Organizational Challenge. Way to go! Whole Room, 1st Place: Marianne of Wigglywourms Whole Room, 2nd Place: Stacy (Aussie in America) Whole Room, 3rd Place: Cindy of Life …


WFMW – Prayer Journaling

I often have a hard time staying focused. Sadly, my thoughts can stray even when I am praying! One minute I am conversing with God and the next I am thinking about what I am making for breakfast or about the load of laundry that needs to go in the dryer. Sometimes multi-tasking is great, but when you’re praying… notsomuch. 🙂 To help stay focused and pray a coherent prayer, …