Let’s just PRETEND, mmkay?

Let’s PRETEND that your 3 year old found a green permanant marker somewhere. Pretend your mom isn’t asking where he got the marker in the first place or why it wasn’t out of reach. Besides, you don’t normally buy green permanent markers, it came free with another product so let’s just keep on moving, shall we?

Let’s PRETEND that your 3 year old son found the permanent marker and began doodling on the whiteboard with it. Of course since you do have a green dry erase marker and since you have been letting him draw on it to occupy himself during school time, you’d think nothing of it. Not until you saw the lid to the green permanent marker on the floor and realized that this one out of place sharpie cap just upset the balance in the universe and shifted all that is right and good.

I’m just saying. This is completely hypothetical here. OR SOMETHING.

So if your son did color ALL OVER the dry erase board, say, 80% of it… what would you do? I mean, after the room tilted and your stomach churned as you realized that the dry erase on the white board wasn’t dry erase??

Hypothetically speaking, you might turn to Twitter:

And you might get an answer:

And it might just work, too!! Who knew that you color over it with dry erase and it would come right off?!

(Disclaimer: You may have actually started cleaning the board with Purell because of it’s high alcohol content and already wiped most of it off. But you may have been left with green stains, which were amazingly and COMPLETELY removed with the dry erase marker trick! So you may only be able to assume that it would have worked just as well if you’d skipped the Purell step, but you would know for certain that if nothing else it worked to remove the stained appearance!!)

So,.. hypothetically… IF you should ever find yourself in the same situation, now you know what to do. You know,… IF.

Works for Me Wednesday is hosted by Kristen @ We Are That Family! Hop over to find other, less “hypothetical” tips and tricks!

Note: The picture above is actually Little Prince coloring with the dry erase markers a few days ago, when I discovered that I didn’t move the white board to as unreachable a location as I’d thought. ASSUMING he DID color all over it with a permanent marker, I might not think to grab the camera before running to kitchen for cleaning supplies. =P
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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!