Hey, there! You found the Mommy Time Party door prize from Happy Family Organic Superfoods! Happy family is giving away one “Back to School” pack valued at $50. Back to School time – approx. value $50 Happy Family tote bag, (4) Happy Tot toddler meal bars, (3) Happy Times, (5) Happy Tot/Tot Plus pouches, (3) Happy Squeeze You can check out each of those products here: Toddler Bars: http://happyfamilybrands.com/product_lines/happy-tot-toddler-bars/ Happy Times: http://happyfamilybrands.com/product_lines/happy-times/ …
Mommy Time Party
Mommy Time Door Prize – Motivated Moms!
You found the Motivated Moms door prize! Motivated moms is giving away 3 copies of their 2013 chore system app, and 3 copies of their BRAND NEW 2013-2014 “academic year” ebook system. Enter to win for your choice of planner below: Enter to win the 2013-2014 ebook here: Entry-Form Enter to win the 2013 app here: Entry-Form You can find Motivated Moms on Facebook, Twitter and the website.
Party with Usborne Books! (Review)
[maxbutton id=”1″] How much do I like books? You should know that answer by now…have you seen our bookshelves? And that’s not even all the books that we own, only the ones that belong in the school area. As I said, we like books. So, naturally, a Mommy Time Party about fun things for homeschoolers and back to school stuff is going to include some books right? We have several …