Change is exciting. Change is also kind of scary – well, it is for me. I like change but I’m leery of it until I’ve decided if I like it or not. Change is in the air, it has been since January, since my husband followed God’s lead into seminary training through a local church. My brother-in-law’s church, one we used to go to as well, has begun doing …
My Husband Can’t Be Everything I Need
I remember driving home from work one day, somewhere in our second year of marriage, when the speaker on the radio made a revelationary statement: my husband can’t be everything I need him to be. Not that my husband can’t be great. Not that my husband can’t meet my needs. My husband CAN be great and he CAN meet my needs. But he is human, and limited, and well, I …
Marriage Minute ~ Supporting Your Spouse
Marriage Minute ~ Supporting Your Spouse There are a few basic needs that every man needs from his wife. Love, obviously. Respect, yes. They need their physical needs met in all the ways that can be applied. These are the big, obvious answers we always give. There is something else, too. Our men need our support. Not that our men need us to prop them up, give them permission, or …