Usually, Drama Queen is pretty good at math. Sometimes.. she doesn’t get it when I explain a new concept (like arranging fractions in order from least to greatest, and how bigger denominators are actually smaller pieces) — because she’s Auditory/Kinesthetic, so just looking at the fractions on the page, it’s not clicking. And because she’s left brained and I’m right brained so sometimes I don’t explain things in a way …
Showing: 106 - 108 of 147 RESULTS
Top Ten Signs You Might Be An Eclectic Homeschooler
There are LOTS of reasons why I choose eclectic homeschooling… I call myself a “Pick & Choose” homeschooler. {If you’re like me, you might be one, too!} So you might be a Pick & Choose Homeschooler IF: 1.) If someone asks what method you use and you begin your sentence with “Well, it’s like this….” If you need a paragraph to explain which homeschool method you use…Yep. You might be …
Ten Pirate Read-Aloud Books for Little Boys
Fun read-aloud Pirate books for younger boys, from preschool and elementary ages to larger books that can be read aloud to them over many days or weeks. A must have list for any pirate-crazy land-lubber!