by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 8 RESULTS

Advent Event, Day 2: Traditions

We have many traditions that we repeat each year to make our Advent season meaningful and keep the holidays focused on Jesus Christ. Some of our activities change from year to year, but these are the traditions that we’ve begun and I hope and pray that these traditions are carried on through the generations. Our Advent Calendar A day or two before Advent begins, the kids and I will sit …


The Advent Event – Sharing Christmas ideas, traditions, tips and more!

Today is the first day of Advent! If you don’t know what Advent is, it’s basically a Catholic tradition which celebrates the coming of Christ as a child and his promised Second Coming – and it runs from roughly after Thanksgiving until the beginning of January. Now, I’m not Catholic. But after being exposed to the tradition of Advent a few years ago, I quickly realized that this is a …

Advent Resources

First, start here: Where is He? This post really sums up why we do Advent and what we try to accomplish by it. Advent is not a means to more stuff, more projects, and more busyness on the calendar. It does bring some of that. But the end goal is more purpose, more focus on why we’re doing what we’re doing, more opportunity to read and discuss and study and pray. …